I’m so glad I found you through Mika’s Find Your Tribe! I love this essay.

In my late 20’s I was in a quest for Truth. Capital T. A minister stopped me in my tracks when I told him that I wanted to know and teach Truth.

His simple question? What Truth?

That was when I started dismantling my beliefs and turning them over.

I could not let go of one belief though. The belief that God exists.

My world was too dark and pointless without God.

God and I have had disagreements since. I flat out was kissed for a few years. But I always knew that It was around.

I think today we know too much. Our intellect is taking over and rationalizing the world. We are losing the mystery of life. We think we must do everything ourselves because we no longer believe in a supportive force.

And, as you shared, we are having a tough time finding existential meaning when we wipe out the Divine.

What I want now is not Truth, nor is it dogma. I have any community with those who are walking a life with the Divine.

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Great read! And I think it’s about that time, so congrats!!🎉

May you continue to noodle on truth and interest for us all to benefit. 😊

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Thank you!

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